Wedding Etiquette

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entry into the wedding reception hall with wedding favors on display

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Wedding favors – those charming little tokens of appreciation that couples offer to their guests as a gesture of gratitude for celebrating their special day. They can range from practical to whimsical, from the traditional to the trendy. But the question remains: are wedding favors truly worth it? Let’s unpack this age-old debate. Firstly, […]

groomsman celebrating and a guide to tipping wedding vendors

Recently, we have been receiving more and more questions regarding tipping wedding vendors. We thought this blog would be a helpful resource while you are planning out and budgeting expenses! As most of you know, at Nazareth Hall gratuity is never required and never expected. However, if you have figured the gratuity into your budget […]